Vaginal Steam Therapy | Women’s Hydrotherapy

The vaginal steam bath is an ancient therapy and is seen in almost every indigenous culture as a common and routine ritual for women’s health. It is commonly used in almost all of the Caribbean, Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala, and in each region of the globe, the native plants and flowers are used for their soothing, energizing, and even antiviral/antibacterial properties.

The vaginal steam bath is used to promote healing and rejuvenation for just about any woman’s reproductive health ailment. From a Chinese Medicine standpoint, vaginal steams open and balance the Conception vessel 1 acupuncture channel where three of the most powerful yin acupuncture channels emerge from the body, found on the perineum. A potent aid to reduce stress, bring increased blood flow to the pelvis, regulate the menstrual cycle, improve fertility, soothe and shrink hemorrhoids, alleviate painful menstrual cramps, and balance and heal Shakti divine feminine energy.

After Birth Use: In many regions, women put steam baths to use after giving birth, and it is part of a traditional remedy to get back energy, health, and pelvic tone after birth. In Haiti for instance women are instructed to do a vaginal steam with herbs every day for 2 weeks after birth to tone and heal the pelvic floor and completely clear the uterine lining.

What to Expect During Your Steam Treatment:

During your vaginal steam, you are in an enclosed room, in a full-length robe. You will sit on one of our custom, vaginal steam chairs that has a cushioned seat with an opening for the steam to do its magic. Each treatment lasts up to 30 minutes. The seat and box is sanitized before and after use and then covered in a freshly cleaned white towel.

*This service can be added to a massage treatment in 30-minute increments $15

*Vaginal steam is included with The Arvigo Maya Abdominal massage initial visit at no extra charge if aligns with treament plan