Prenatal Massage

75 min $100 90 min $120

Treatments are tailored for mothers-to-be and new moms by tending to the bodies’ growing needs. The session allows the mama to connect, relax, and receive a deep nurturing experience. Various cushions and pillows are used to support both mother and baby during these sessions, as well as a cut out pregnancy massage table. Prenatal massage is a wonderful and supportive way to help the body adjust to the changes and transformations of pregnancy, as well as prepare for labor. Inviting a time to slow down, receive, breathe deep, and connect with one’s self and their growing baby. These all being helpful skills to carry into labor and parenthood. Therapeutic touch can improve sleep patterns, encourage greater relaxation, alleviate stress in the mind and body, increase circulation, and decrease inflammation. A blend of Swedish massage, deep tissue, myofascial release, acupressure, and reflexology techniques are used to meet the individual’s session needs. 

Postpartum Massage

75 min $100 90 min $120

Postpartum massage is truly a gift to the one who has been giving. This is a time of deep healing and transformation on many levels. Postpartum bodywork replenishes one’s well and promotes a balanced recovery after birth while relieving overworked muscles. The session will address specific emotional and physical needs including:

  • Physical aches of recovering from birth and caring for an infant

  • Pelvic pain and organ reorganization

  • Cesarean scar recovery

  • Diastasis recti

  • Integration of one’s birth experience and their new identity

  • Lack of sleep

  • Hormone fluctuations

  • Wrist and forearm pain

  • Fluid retention

Mobile Massage

60 min $150, 90 min $180

I will bring my table, bolsters, hot towels, and spa treatments to you! This is a great option for those last weeks or days preparing for birth and for earlypostpartum care for the whole family, or for a spa party. I can tailor these sessions to meet your needs and also offer discounted packages if there are multiple massages!


3 massages

75 min $270

90 min $330

Half Moon Mama

3 75 min prenatal massages

1 75 min postpartum


Full Moon Mama

3 90 min prenatal massages

1 90 min postpartum massage


“The uterus is a woman’s center. If it is out of balance, everything in her life will be physically, emotionally and spiritually out of balance.” ~ Don Elijio Panti